I am Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez, Mind management specialized Coach. My purpose is to help people transform their mind from the root by generating different emotions, behaviors, and perspective that leads them to better results in all areas of their life.
Neurocycle Facilitator: Neurocycle Institute / Dr. Caroline Leaf (2022-2023)
Coach – Trainer – Speaker: John Maxwell Team / Maxwell Leadership
Strenghts Coach: Centro Universitario La Salle / European Institute of Positive Psychology (IEPP)
Brain Coach: Brain Academy / International Coaching Federataion (in process)
2022 - 2023
Why it is important to manage
our minds?
My specialization is mind management, we are what we think, therefore, the thoughts that are rooted in our mind direct our behaviors, emotions, perspective, and, therefore, our results in all areas of our life.
More than 95% of who we are and our mental conditioning lies in our non-conscious mind, that's why it's not an easy task to transform our mindset from the root to cause an effective and lasting life change.
In my Coaching process I help you to achieve the transformation of your mind in an effective and sustainable way.
My coaching process is focused on the transformation of mindset from the root, which lies in the non-conscious mind on a mental and brain level.
I will take you by the hand, step by step, to achieve this transformation effectively and sustainably, eradicate toxic paradigms and create healthy paradigms that generate different results in your life.
We achieve this transformation through the appropriate and constant application of directed neuroplasticity strategies and conscious mental management.
What to expect from the process?
Identification of the toxic paradigm that limits you the most.
Identification of triggers and warning signals (physical, emotional, perspective, and behavioral).
Application of directed neuroplasticity strategies to fix the transformation.
Creation of a healthy paradigm and a new mindset.
Understanding the Origin
of the toxic paradigm and reconceptualize it for its
Stabilization of the new mindset to generate results.
Increased mental self-control as well as increased physical and emotional well-being. (as a result of the client's continuous work in conjunction with my support).
Expected Results
Identification and understanding of toxic paradigms and their origin.
Identification of triggers and warning signals for their proper and timely management.
Creation of healthy paradigms and a new mindset.
Effective establishment of new thoughts on a mental and brain level.
Increase in the level of consciousness, facilitating mental management.
Improved self-image: given the new mindset.
Effective and sustainable change in mindset, emotions, behaviors and perspective.
Application of practical mental management strategies for day-to-day life.
Generation of new habits of thought, creating new results in all areas of life.
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